Voice is a magazine and platform for young creatives covering arts, culture, politics and technology
Featuring the latest news and reviews, we're passionate about supporting young people to have their say. Voice hosts a wide range of perspectives from the next generation, from writing and videos to photos and podcasts.
Our aim is to bring you contemporary, thoughtful and provocative pieces for young people aged 16-30. We believe arts, culture, politics and tech are all interconnected, and we explore those connections through interviews, features and comment pieces. Our team interview leading cultural players such as choreographer Akram Khan, comedian and actor Dane Baptiste, singer-songwriter Lucy Spraggan, comedian Tim Vine, Ed Sheeran's vocal coach Georgia Train, and flagship cultural institutions such as the BBC and the Crafts Council.
At Voice, we cultivate a national network of young journalists and commentators. Our reporters cover major festivals like Edinburgh Fringe, UK City of Culture, and Brighton Fringe where Voice is the Youth Media Partner. We run regular workshops with guest speakers, such as Mozilla Festival House at the Royal Society of Arts with online vlogger and VICE Political Correspondent Rants N Bants.
To keep us going, please consider supporting us by sharing our posts, making a donation or getting involved.

Voice is a growing magazine with an average 30,000+ visits a month, and a large active pool of young people sharing their opinions. We run creative callouts, writing competitions, photography briefs and other opportunities, such as Hello Yellow ('What makes you happy?') in partnership with the charity Young Minds.
We also create content for young people doing Trinity College London's arts qualifications and we run Arts Award on Voice for young people working through Arts Award, offering you ideas and support to complete your award - good luck!
Thank you to our parent charity Upstart Projects which supports young people to enjoy the arts and become the creative professionals of the future.