Please support Voice's work to reach more young people and develop opportunities for them to influence arts, culture and society
There are simple ways for you to do this...
- Share Voice's posts far and wide to help us to reach new people and raise more funds
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- Make a donation towards our outreach work with less advantaged young people Donate now
It's safe and simple with our partner Now Donate and you can pay via card or set up a Direct Debit. - Shop online with Easy Fundraising:
We get a small donation when you shop with 4,000+ partners using your login attached to our "Voice Magazine" cause account. Using the link above also gives us a £5 bonus after you've raised £5. We agree we should all shop local where possible, but when you need to use the larger retailers, feel good by at least generating a small donation for free. - Use Amazon Smile:
Shop local when you can, but if you are using Amazon then we will get a very small donation for every eligible purchase at no cost to you if you use and select Upstart Projects (do remember to enable it in your app too). You can also install the Smilematic browser extension to ensure you don't miss the chance to raise a donation. - Buy tickets to your next West End show or cultural experience at
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If you are an organisation...
- Register for free as an Organisation on Voice to post your activities for young people - events, shows, workshops Register as an organisation
- Buy an advertising package to get your message out to our young readers Find out more about advertising
- Buy youth voice training or consultancy services from Upstart Projects, our umbrella charity Find out more about training
- Become a business Friend of Voice Become a Friend
Voice is run by Upstart Projects, a charity with an independent voluntary board who oversee our work. We raise money from commissions and grant applications, and via the support of people just like you!